Case Study: How He Made $24,872 In Five Days From Following This Simple Little Motto

“Buy Low, Sell High, Collect Early and Pay Late!”

Here’s the story direct from the marketer who did this…

I can’t remember who said that but what a great quote eh?

If ANY of the above four things are missing from your business you’ll hit problems.

Here’s an example of how I made $24,872 in five days from using the simple, but clever advice in the quote above…

I paid just $197 for some really good PLR. It was a course on how to get free traffic course.

It was clever stuff, and included some aspects of how to drive free traffic that I hadn’t been aware of myself.

It was very well written, included a LOT of content and also came with a high quality sales page (I didn’t want the sales page though)

I knew it was a bargain for $197, but at the same time, this price point was enough to ensure that it wouldn’t be saturated and that most buyers would use the sales page that came with it.

I on the other hand, got new graphics created, retitled and rebranded it, added my own personality to the content and broke it down into 16 part, which would be offered as an 8 week course of how to generate free traffic.

The plan was that for 8 weeks I would deliver two high quality PDF’s per week.

Customers had a choice of how they could choose to pay

I sold this 8 week traffic course for either two monthly payments of $47 OR a one-off $97 that gave instant access to the whole thing AND came with email support.

Guess which price point most people decided on?

Over 200 people bought the $97 package, mostly from my own list (the rest took the two payments of $47 deal although I don’t know why) and after fees and other payments had gone out I made $24,872 in just five days.

So here’s how it worked

  1. I bought low – I paid $197 for some great quality PLR, whereas I would have paid around $997 to a freelancer to write the course for me before I put my own personality into it
  2. I sold high. $97 for full access wasn’t massively high in terms of price-point BUT after testing it against a one-off $27 price point and getting the same conversion rates I went with the higher price. Who wouldn’t?
  3. I collected early. Because I offered instant access for $97 as well as a drip-fed eight week option for 2x$47 I made it easy for the ‘don’t want to wait’ buyers (which is most people including me) to get instant access.

The email support sealed the deal. I collected early via a lump sum from over 200 people rather than waiting for 2 separate payments over two months

  1. I paid late. How does this apply? Well I paid $1,000 a month for email support from a pro. But I only paid them after 14 days which means I’d taken most of my profit by then 🙂

It’s a great rule to do business by, and if you’ve not tried it in your own launches I highly recommend it!”