Highlighted Discount Deals

In this section we’ll occasionally list products from our (Dennis Becker or Barb Ling) catalog of best sellers.

As a DAB Esquared member, you’ll receive a 50% discount (normally, sometimes less or more) on the normal everyday price.

You’ll be able to use the same coupon code that you use for discounted Warrior Plus products.

You’ll see the coupon code (a.k.a. gift certificate) box in the buy area, like so:

Enter the code in the box labelled Gift Certificate, then click on the Validate link, and you’ll see the price change. Do not proceed if the price didn’t change, but review you entry.

That discount code is in the post below.

    Discount Deals current discount code

    In the intro above, I mentioned you would need to use a coupon code to get half price on all our discount deal offers. I didn’t mention the code, so that the public can’t find it. The code is here:

    Tony Shepherd All-Access Club

    Tony Shepherd is one of my favorite Internet marketers, and I consider him to be a mentor to me. While I can’t provide PLR rights to any of his products, I’ve put together some of his best products into one ...

    Earncome personal use rights

    I wish I had master PLR rights to this one so that I could offer PLR to you… but I don’t. I am able to offer you personal use rights at a discount, though. I remember when this first came ...

    The Super Vault

    This has been one of my most popular bundles of all time. Yes, some of the components (20 of them as of June 2022, and growing!) are fairly old, but they’re mostly evergreen, and great information. NOTE: The Super Vault ...